What's been happening?

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 we’ve been working round the clock to set up and running our emergency food bank service; responding to local people in crisis.​   Another huge task was moving all our services, projects and initiatives online. It’s been mammoth for a small grassroots volunteer led organisation like ourselves. But we’re there and excited to announce a range of activities to engage with local people, provide new skills, build confidence and improve health and well-being.​

Our food bank volunteers Miriam and Caroline putting together fresh vegetables to go in our emergency food parcels.

Our food bank volunteers Miriam and Caroline putting together fresh vegetables to go in our emergency food parcels.

Camden Mobile Food  Bank

Another update on Camden Mobile Food Bank’s COVID-19 emergency service. It’s been an incredible week. Sonia’s back (woohoo) we had another great volunteer session on Thursday sorting food and putting together lots more emergency food parcels.

A huge thank you to the wonderful Sam Lane Photography for coming down and taking some incredible pictures, we can’t thank you enough! 

The week in numbers

Weekly stats​  226 people supported with 3-5 days worth of food since we started the COVID-19 emergency food bank service, 5 weeks ago. 

  • 37  emergency food parcels given out since the emergency food bank opened

  • 25 self-referrals using our online referral form​

  • 12 referrals from Camden LA and local organisations​.

Register to book a one to one appointment with our Employment Advisor.

Employment and training

Our qualified Information and Guidance Officer continues weekly 1:1 appointments. All done over the phone or via video conferencing. As well as case loading clients, we are now taking new registrations again. If you’re looking for work, would like to explore a new career or want to use this time at home to do a new course; then register today.​ ​


Working with our employment advisor over 12 weeks creating an Action Plan outlining personal and career goals. We help young people to create a new CV, job search and help to complete job applications. Then we prepare young people for interviews allowing them to have a test run, with real employers. This is a great programme with an excellent success rate. ​ Young people can book a registration appointment here.

Awate speaking to Pro Touch Soccer boys about the meaning of violence.

‘One mic, One Life’

One Mic, One Life is back and we’re excited to continue our fun and exciting workshops. Yes we’re slightly off the pace, but we wanted to get our online package right. Spending a few weeks to see where our young people are engaging; and what methods to adopt that would reach them the most.​

​Young people can now access online varied activities and flexible support; which includes creative workshops, group and fitness activities, one to one support and advice and access to employment, training.​ We continue to provide positive diversions for young people during school holidays.

Cheerleading will be back taught by one of our original qualified coaches Autumn, all the way from sunny Florida, USA! The group will be able to tune in securely through Zoom  every week, be able to see their friends again and continue cheerleading together. Check our latest news for further announcements.

Meet Adam, he’ll be mentoring our newly qualified Level 1 Fitness Instructors and keeping the community fit.

Coach 2 Success

We take a holistic approach to youth work. A joined up service that teaches vital life skills and allows young people to excel and progress in life. We’re real cheerleaders in helping young people reach their full potential.

Creating accessible pathways that allows them to learn, get qualified and deliver services to local people, in their own communities inspiring their peers and helping to build a brighter place for everyone to live.​ ​

Last year in partnership with Somers Town Youth and Saint Pancras Community Association and funded by Camden Giving Future Changemakers Fund; we helped 10 local young people gain a Level 1 qualification as a personal trainer.

Led by Adam who will mentor our young coaches they’ll be keeping the community fit and active, whilst on lock down. Everyday tune into fun and easy exercises, designed for the whole family to stay active.​

During the lock down Mark will be helping the community get creative writing poems and short stories.

Get creative

During the lock down we want the community to get their creative juices flowing. Poetry is a great way to express yourself and cultivate your thoughts. A fun multi-generational weekly master class into poetry writing.​

​Mark Bolton will be reading 40 of his short poems and inspirational daily insights. His words will be used daily across all our social media platforms and website to inspire local people to get creative. He’ll also be helping local people to create their own poems, his top tips and suggestions and finally encouraging people to share their work. ​ ​

Stay Connected

We’re across all social media platforms, stay updated on all our work and don’t forget to follow and like our pages.